Monday, November 9, 2009


During the late summer we had visits from Becky’s family, Phyllis, Joan, and Steve’s parents. Becky gave Marianne vinyl lettering for her laundry room as a birthday gift and we had our first pool party. Thanks Becky.
In October we attended missionary reunions and visited Marianne’s family. On the way home we toured a bronze foundry in Alpine Utah owned by a friend. A lot of work and skill goes into each statue.
Marianne’s parents came to visit Kathy and Roy’s family for Lincoln’s baptism. It was also Halloween so we had a lot of fun. Kathryn and Ken followed us to southern California and stayed a couple of days.
Hunter is 17 months now and about ready to begin walking. Last Sunday I was released from my ward clerk job and now Marianne and I are nursery leaders. We are now looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.