Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hunter's birthday and Water Fun

Hunter's 4th birthday was on June 8th and Hunter is ready to get on his school bus with a cake ball which Marianne made for all the children in Hunter's pre-school class. Gwen is pointing to a snail. One Saturday the primary had a pool party when Kathy Lillywhite was visiting.
A picture of
Gwen holding Patience
Many of the women in our ward's mommy group, which Marianne is involved with.
My sister Phyllis' daughter Elise is going on a mission to serve at Temple Square, with Patience crying.

Today Marianne went to the Corona Del Mar Beach with some of those women in the ward and Hunter and Gwen really enjoyed going.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love all the pictures of the kids. I want to come and visit you all. Tell your wife and kids I said hi. I hope all is well.